Sofia Rei at Curtis Pond


Meet Sofia Rei, please. She grown up at Curtis Pond. At the age of 25. You won't be able to forget her beautiful black and Curly hair and her special and bright blue eyes. Dressed Casual, Sport, Bikini. She works for her career as an air steward. Watch her lovely Inverted Triangle body style. Her dad is a receptionist and her mom is a waiter. Here is her Instagram Profile, follow her:

Vocal agitator & songwriter traveling the 7 seas. Professor at NYU @clivedavisinst. Next Show: Tiny Desk Meets globalFEST โฌ‡๏ธโฌ‡๏ธโฌ‡๏ธ

Sofia Rei,globalfest,tinydeskconcert,nyc,worldmusic,worldbeat
Sofia Rei,dedicatedmenofzion,tinydesk,globalfest,worldbeat,worldmusic,umbral,electrofolk,newlatin,nyc,brooklyn
Sofia Rei,globalfest,tinydesk,electrofolk,newsounds,worldbeat

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